Join the Team
Are you tired of the 9 to 5 grind & ready to take part in the “Gig Economy” that people seem to talk about so often these days, but can’t find a way to do it?
Do you check all of the boxes below?
Communicate easily with others
Tech savvy, with internet access and a smartphone
A natural “salesperson”
Reliable and hardworking
Have reliable transportation
If so, then you could be an ideal candidate to join the Adelante Liveteam as a brand ambassador for live events

Staff Testimonials

What Is a Brand Ambassador?
In the world of experiential marketing, a brand ambassador is somebody who attends events and promotions on behalf of a brand, essentially acting as the “face” of that company. The goal of a brand ambassador is to connect with consumers and represent the company’s brand, products, and services in such a way that those consumers walk away from the experience with a positive feeling about the company. At Adelante Live, we pride ourselves in developing, managing and provided highly qualified brand ambassadors to represent brands in a variety of event activations such as retail demonstrations, festivals and tradeshows.

What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is a fun an exciting industry that gives consumers an opportunity to engage and interact with brands, products, and services in sensory ways that help them connect to a brand and make intelligent and informed purchasing decisions. It’s the difference between telling people about features of a product or service and letting them experience the benefits for themselves. Since the human element is such a key component of experiential marketing, as a brand ambassador, your role is a critical one. Through your direct, face to face involvement with consumers, you can impact either positively or negatively the feelings they have about a particular brand.
What Does a Brand Ambassador Do During a Promotion?
Each event and promotion has specific activation instructions and goals. As a brand ambassador, you may be responsible for lead generation, conducting surveys, handing out samples, playing games with consumers, demonstrating a product or any other type of consumer interaction. As long as you are reliable, have a helpful attitude and are very outgoing, even if you don't have direct brand ambassador experience, we will train you on the specific responsibilities of your event. While the specifics of each promotion may vary, brand ambassadors are always responsible for representing the brand and giving consumers a positive promotional experience. You must be a “people person” and be prepared to work both independently and as a team in order to satisfy the goals of the promotion.

Here at Adelante Live, our greatest resource is people. That includes not only our clients and the consumers we deal with at events, but also you, the promotional talent. We know that you could choose to work with any agency, and will do everything we can to help you see that you’ve made the right choice working with us. We pride ourselves on being fun, friendly, and easy to work with.
We take pride in the technology we've developed for our talent to easily manage their events with Adelante Live. The A·Live Agenda®, our online scheduling interface, makes applying for and confirming promotional projects easy and user friendly, while also giving you access to payment information and your job history online, so you can easily track your project status from beginning to end. Last but not least, at Adelante Live, our brand ambassadors are W2 Variable Hour Employees, not 1099 Independent Contractors. This means you will be paid more quickly, and will be fully covered by workers compensation insurance.
Last but not least, at Adelante Live, our brand ambassadors are W2 Variable Hour Employees, not 1099 Independent Contractors. This means you will be paid more quickly, and will be fully covered by workers compensation insurance.
Staff Testimonials

Have more questions?
Click the (+) sign next to each of the items below to learn more:
Events and promotions take place at a variety of places such as bars, nightclubs, theaters, malls, parking lots, amusement parks, lakefronts, boardwalks, gas stations, truck stops, rest stations, parks, (hopefully you get the idea!). Promotions can and do happen anywhere! There are various types of promotions including in store demonstrations, samplings, trade shows, events, and sponsorship activations at festivals or concerts – just to name a few. Every promotion has their own specific talent needs and the requirements and duties of the brand ambassadors will vary. Adelante Live is always looking for reliable, personable, and customer service oriented individuals to join their team.
Depending on the promotion, you may be expected to provide your own materials. The A-Live Agenda will always state what a talent must provide. For example, the posting will always state what is the required wardrobe for the promotion. Also for some retail demos, talent must provide their own small table, tablecloth or ice bucket. The great thing about our booking platform is that you as a talent know the requirements up front and can decide whether or not to apply for the promotion. You will learn over time however that certain items are standard for the industry and being able to provide those will increase your promotional bookings.
As an independently contracted promotional representative, you are managing your own schedule and projects. As such, the following items are essential: computer, internet and email access, a working cell phone with voicemail and text capabilities, a calendar, required wardrobe basics, and a working car (unless there is reliable public transportation in your area). We also highly recommend a smartphone (so you can use the A·Live Agenda mobile site), digital camera, and a scanner and printer at home. Having access to these items and having strong computer skills will qualify you for additional promotional opportunities.
Brand ambassadors are natural extroverts who are extremely outgoing and personable. They love working with people of all ages and can build a rapport with anyone. Also, a successful brand ambassador will be a motivated self-starter who can work both by themselves and with a team. Talent must be reliable, arrive on site 15 minutes early so they are ready to start work immediately at the event start time. They are willing to wear multiple hats and chip in wherever is needed. A conservative and neat appearance is a must so talent with extreme hair colors, visible tattoos or piercings are not usually eligible to work with a majority of the brands we work with. Brand ambassadors are approachable and engaging.
Absolutely. Many promotional events happen on the weekend and in the evenings, especially retail demonstrations and beer, wine and spirits promotions. Please keep in mind that you may not qualify for every particular promotion but that you will have access to apply to promotions for which you are available.
If you haven’t already, you must create an online profile on the A·Live Agenda® which acts as your resume for our clients to see. The registration process also allows you to complete necessary documents online and gives you additional information on what you need to do before you can apply for promotional projects with ALI. Please make sure you have a nice photo of yourself ready to upload (must be .jpg format and less than 500kb), and an electronic copy of your resume handy so you can copy/paste your experience into our format. You will have the ability to enter your job history so you can highlight relevant experience in customer service, retail, sales or another type of career in the case you do not have previous promotions experience. We are willing to work with new talent as long as they have the skill set necessary t0 be successful in this industry.
The A·Live Agenda is the proprietary online platform that our talent uses to register, apply, and confirm independently contracted promotional opportunities offered by Adelante Live, Inc. Once you complete the registration process, you will have access to the the A·Live Agenda. You will then be able to log in 24/7 under TALENT LOGIN at The Agenda includes your event history, profile, and all payment related information. You will use the Agenda as your first place to find answers to your questions regarding our promotional opportunities. We also encourage all talent to be extremely organized and keep their own calendar with detailed information.
As an independent contractor and not an employee, you are self employed and have the ability to select which projects to work. Since there is no set schedule, you must be in charge of your own calendar. Below are some tips that will help you become a successful independently contracted promotional representative.
- Get organized! You must have a calendar- and most importantly use it! The A·Live Agenda®, will allow you to see available jobs and apply online, but you should also keep track in your own calendar of jobs you’ve applied for and especially jobs you are booked for.
- Call us back IMMEDIATELY after we leave you a voicemail- it is important and timely if we are calling you instead of emailing. If you are on a job, make sure you check your cell when on break (and ONLY when you are on a break.) Also, when you do call back- always have a pen and paper ready as well as your planner/Smartphone/iPhone calendar etc. so you can check availability.
- NEVER accept a job without first looking at your calendar and confirming you are available. Do NOT double book yourself.
- NEVER, NEVER cancel a booking for any reason whatsoever. Everyone is depending on you to execute the promotion. Canceling a job will result in huge fines and/or deletion from the agency.
- NEVER, NEVER be late for any job. We hate hearing bad news about models from the client or on site manager. If you are late- be prepared for financial consequences (i.e. time docked from check or other penalties.) You MUST check in- in person- with the on site contact at least 15 minutes prior to the event start time you are given. Please pay attention to the event details as they may require that you arrive earlier. Each job has different details/requirements.
- Please check the A·Live Agenda®, to check all final event details. Never make assumptions. If you are unclear on anything- call your agent.
- Remember to remain professional on jobs at ALL TIMES. You are never to participate in discussions regarding sex/sexuality, relationships, religion, politics, or other ‘hot’ topics. This also goes for discussing any financial details about a job (hourly rate etc).
- After the event, make sure to turn in any reports, timesheets, etc. as soon as possible. There are consequences for turning required materials in late.
- Make sure your profile on the A·Live Agenda®, is up to date with recent photos and your most up to date experience. Most clients are choosing talent based only their profile. Your photos must accurately represent what you look currently look like.